Offer fast, affordable instant delivery directly from your owned and operated Shopify website.
Gopuff's Fulfillment App enables any Shopify store to quickly and easily offer instant delivery in as little as 15 minutes.

Promote Instant Delivery to Eligible Shoppers
Lookup a customer's IP address to determine whether or not they're within a Gopuff delivery zone that has your products available before triggering an address modal.
Collect the customer's address and verify their delivery eligibility before directing them to a special collection page featuring products available for instant delivery.
Dynamically show instant delivery availability on the PDPs as well as the cart pages.
Customize Cart Messaging
Automatically pre-fill the customer's address at checkout and show Gopuff instant delivery rates alongside your existing shipping options. Use Checkout Blocks to notify the customer if Gopuff can't fulfill an order.
Get setup in minutes without making any code changes.

Download & Install the Gopuff App
Download and install the Powered by Gopuff app from the Shopify app store.
Map your SKUs
Use UPCs to map your Shopify SKUs to the ones that are set up in Gopuff's product catalog.

Configure the App
Decide when and how you want to promote instant delivery on your website. Set minimum inventory requirements for trigging the address modal, create collection pages featuring products from the Gopuff catalog, and use checkout blocks to display custom messaging.
Faster than Amazon delivery from your own DTC website
Instant Delivery W/O Disrupting Your Current UX
Gopuff's Fulfillment App looks up a user's IP address to verify whether or not they're within a Gopuff delivery zone. If the user is in-zone, the Fulfillment App checks to see if any of your products are available at the micro-fulfillment center servicing a customer's delivery address before triggering the address modal pop-up.
Launch Instant Delivery as an additional shipping method without making any code changes to your existing Shopify website.
On-Demand Customer Support & Live Order Tracking
Gopuff sends an automated text message to customers containing a link to a standalone order tracking page. Customers can use this order tracking page to contact Gopuff's live chat support.

Only a portion of my Shopify catalog is sold by Gopuff, can I still use the app?
Yes, the Gopuff Fulfillment App was specifically designed for this use case. When configuring the app, you'll create a special collection containing all of your products that are available for sale in Gopuff's delivery network. We'll only check products in that collection for inventory availability when customers are shopping.
What happens when a customer is outside of a Gopuff delivery zone?
Your Shopify store will continue to function as normal. If the app detects that the customer's IP is not in a delivery zone, no messaging or popups will be displayed. It's as if the app doesn't exist...business as usual!
How does the app handle mixed carts where some items are available for Instant Delivery through Gopuff and some items are not?
To avoid double shipping/delivery costs and a negative customer experience, if there is ever a mixed cart scenario, Gopuff Instant Delivery will not be shown. Messaging about it in the cart will be hidden, and the delivery option at checkout will not be shown.
How do I know when Gopuff fulfills an order on my store? And what does the customer see?
Orders are instantly sent to Gopuff once the checkout is completed. Within 5-10 seconds, you'll see an order update in Shopify and the Gopuff Order ID will be assigned to your Shopify order in the Additional details section on the right side of the order details screen. Fulfillment updates will then be sent to Shopify in realtime when the order is out for delivery as well as when it's delivered.
The customer will receive a Shopify order confirmation email as normal. In addition, Gopuff will send the customer a text message allowing them to track their delivery driver in realtime.
Who is responsible for customer service?
For any issues related to Gopuff Instant Delivery, such as damaged goods, late deliveries, etc., the customer can contact Gopuff customer service directly. Gopuff CSRs have the ability to cancel orders, issue refunds, and generally handle the entire customer interaction end to end without your involvement and without access to your Shopify store. For any product-related concerns, customers will be directed to your website for assistance.
How do I prevent my 3PL from fulfilling Gopuff orders
This can usually be accomplished with a straightforward configuration setting or automation/workflow. See our Shipping page for details.
Do I need to have Shopify Plus?
No, the Gopuff Fulfillment App works with all versions of Shopify. However, to use our Checkout UI extension you will need a Plus plan. That said, the Checkout UI extension is completely optional and only exists to provide advanced messaging about potential edge cases during checkout that typically affect less than 1% of orders.
Does Gopuff support subscriptions?
The Gopuff Fulfillment App can fully support subscriptions with a couple caveats:
Your subscription app must create subscription recurring orders during normal business hours (the Gopuff fulfillment center needs to be open when the order is created).
Your subscription app should have the ability to fall back to a standard shipping method if Gopuff Instant Delivery is not available (e.g. the product is not in stock at the local fulfillment center).
If your subscription app cannot be configured to meet the above specifications, you can still leverage Gopuff Instant Delivery for the initial order, giving customers that instant gratification and awesome first time order experience. Then the subscription app can be configured to always use standard shipping for the recurring orders.
For more information, see Subscriptions.